The Standard Shower Head Height for Your Remodel

July 14, 2020
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Remodeling a home typically involves making plenty of changes. Larger changes may include the general color scheme and the layout, but don’t forget about certain seemingly minor elements such as the shower head height.

We say “seemingly minor” because the reality is that setting your shower head at the wrong height can have a significant impact on your daily routine. It’s important to get it right while you’re remodeling to save on costs and time.

So, what is the standard shower head height? More importantly, is the standard height for the shower head going to double as the ideal height for your home? Those are some of the questions we’ll be answering in this article. Please read on to find out more about how you should remodel your shower.

What Is the Standard Shower Head Height?

Let’s tackle the most important question right away by pinpointing the standard height for a shower head. According to Hunker, the industry standard for how high a shower head should be is 80 inches. We’re talking 80 inches above the floor of the bathroom.

There are perfectly good explanations for why experts settled on 80 inches as the standard height, and they link it to the need to accommodate as many people as possible. They base the height setting on average height. That means more people will be comfortable with it.

Industry experts also want to construct showers that can accommodate different users. Whether you’re taller than the average person or on the shorter side, a shower head at 80 inches should still work for you properly.

Consider 80 inches to be the default setting for how high your shower head should be, although you can certainly deviate from that if you desire.

Should the Shower Head Always Be Set at 80 Inches?

Now that we’ve pinpointed what the standard height for a shower should be, we can answer a more pressing question for homeowners in the middle of a remodeling project. Should your new shower head be set at 80 inches? Well, that depends.

80 inches is a good height because it accommodates a lot of people. However, some folks may find that doesn’t work for them. Someone in your home may be taller than 6’8”, meaning that a shower head set at 80 inches may not be comfortable for them to use. In that case, consider moving it if there is still room available.

If space is lacking, you can accommodate guests by using certain shower heads. We’ll get to that a bit later in the article. But what if your remodeled home cannot accommodate a shower that high? Can you get away with setting the shower head at a lower height?

You can set the shower head lower than 80 inches if needed. Homeowners can opt to go as low as 72 inches with their shower head setting, according to Dimensions. One can argue that going with the standard height would be the smart move, but it’s important to know that you can change it if necessary.

What Is the Ideal Shower Height for Business Establishments?

So far, we’ve tried to identify the ideal shower head height from the perspective of a homeowner, but businesses need to figure that out as well.

Whether you’re having an apartment built or remodeling a second home and turning it into a rental property, you must make sure that the shower installed can accommodate a wide variety of guests. Even hotel owners looking to have their bathrooms remodeled should look into this matter.

For property owners aiming to create comfortable bathrooms for renters and guests, following the standard may not be enough. They will need to go higher than 80 inches to account for taller guests who may book a room.

If you cannot set the shower head that high due to the dimensions of the building, you can compensate for that by providing your guests with a handheld shower or a sliding bar shower head.

Speaking of those other shower head types…

Which Type of Shower Head Should You Choose?

As you know, there are different types of shower heads currently available. Angie’s List highlights six different options.

Single Spray Shower Head

You have a single spray shower head, which is the traditional model. These are inexpensive, and they come with adjustable nozzles that create different spray patterns.

Handheld Shower Head

Next up are the handheld shower heads. Folks can pick this shower head up from its mount and use it to spray water directly on to a specific part of their body. The long hose allows people to use this shower head in a variety of ways, and they can also opt to keep it mounted and use it like a single spray shower head.

Rain Shower Head

Homeowners looking to provide a different kind of experience while showering may opt to install what’s known as a rain shower head. These flat shower heads imitate the feeling of being in the rain as the water spreads out over a larger area.

Ceiling Shower Head

The ceiling shower head pours water onto users in the same way that the rain shower head does. Angie’s List notes that one of the big advantages of mounting a ceiling shower head is that it won’t spray water on the walls, thus preventing the buildup of nasty substances. Then again, the site also points out they are harder to clean because of where you install them.

Sliding Bar Shower Head

It’s hard to beat the versatility that a sliding bar shower head can present. Users can adjust how high or low it is by moving it along the bar. On top of that, some sliding bar shower heads can double as handheld models. That allows users to clean more directly and be more efficient with their water usage.

Multiple Shower Heads

Lastly, homeowners can opt to have a multiple shower head setup in their redesigned bathroom. You can customize this type of setup in different ways.

You can opt to control the multiple heads by one lever or independently by multiple levers. Homeowners can also decide if they will install multiple rain or single spray shower heads.

Now that you know more about the various types of shower heads, it’s time to decide which one is best for your home or place of business. There is no one right answer here. You’ll need to decide based on your priorities.

Since we are talking about accommodating shower users of different heights, let’s evaluate the available options from that perspective.

If you’re trying to make your shower accommodating to as many people as possible, going with the sliding bar, ceiling, and handheld shower heads would be best. The sliding bar and handheld shower heads can spray water from different levels while the ceiling variant will rain the water down on anyone who fits inside the shower.

Home or business owners trying to keep down costs may opt for the single spray or handheld shower heads.

Can You Adjust the Height of an Existing Shower Head?

Home remodeling is a costly endeavor. Even if you start with a sizable budget, you may find yourself short on money once unforeseen expenses start popping up. These expenses may force you to put your bathroom remodeling plans on hold as you focus on other parts of your home.

That could be a real issue if the shower head in your bathroom is currently at the wrong height.

The good news is that you don’t need to completely remodel your bathroom just to change the height of your existing shower head. You can use accessories available on the market today to adjust the height of your shower head, and they work in different ways.

First, you have the accessories that are useful for increasing the height of the shower head.

Adjustable Shower Arm

The adjustable shower arm is a terrific accessory to use if you want to position the shower head higher. What makes this accessory so helpful is that it’s affordable and easy to install. As long as you have some plumber’s tape, you can connect this extension to the existing shower arm and head.

S-Style Shower Arm

In addition to the adjustable shower arm, you can use the S-style shower arm to change the positioning of your shower head. Unlike the adjustable arm, this accessory is a direct replacement for the existing shower arm.

Installing the S-style shower arm will require more effort and the use of tools. It’s not as user-friendly as the adjustable arm, but it will work to heighten your shower head.

Swivel Ball Adapter

Both the adjustable arm and the S-style arm increase the height of the shower head. In contrast, the swivel ball adapter lowers the height of the shower head. Like the adjustable arm, you can easily attach the adapter. You can find a place for it between the shower arm and the shower head.

Where Should You Position the Other Elements of the Shower?

We’ve talked at length about the ideal positioning for the shower head, but that’s not the only thing that matters inside the bathroom. You should also be mindful of where you place the grab bar and the shower controls.

The Ideal Height for the Shower Grab Bar

A grab bar is a good addition to any shower.

Given how slippery showers can get while in use, they can turn into dangerous enclosures for elderly individuals. Providing them with an accessory that can help them stay upright can help them feel more confident and comfortable while they are using the shower.

Shower grab bars come in different forms. You can find straight bars, wavy bars, and even bars that work as item holders while simultaneously providing support.

The straight grab bars positioned horizontally along the walls of the shower are the best ones for safety. They will help stabilize a person’s stance, and they can also guide a person to the shower door.

Homeowners planning to install a grab bar should have it positioned 33 to 36 inches above the shower floor. At that height, elderly individuals can still reach the bar from a seated position.

The Ideal Height for the Shower Controls

When it comes to the shower controls, you need to place them in a spot where you can operate them without your body being exposed to the water.

Shocking your body with warm or cold water is never pleasant, especially first thing in the morning. By finding the right spot for the shower controls, you can turn the water on and condition your body to the temperature change. You can do that by reaching your hand out to touch the water while keeping your body close to the wall.

Setting the controls in the right spot will also prevent you from accidentally soaking your clothes if you turn the wrong lever. The ideal height range for the shower controls is between 40 to 50 inches above the floor. You can lower the controls slightly if you’re constructing a seated shower.

Getting the shower head height right can make a huge difference. It can determine how comfortable the shower is to use. We hope that the knowledge contained in this article will help you decide where to position the shower head as you’re remodeling your bathroom.

We at Eco Minded Solutions are ready to provide additional assistance for your home remodeling project. Feel free to contact us to find out how we can help.


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