50 Plants Safe for Cats and Dogs

March 20, 2020
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Coming home to a loving pet is one of life’s greatest joys, but it’s no secret that caring for a cat and/or dog can be a challenge. When it comes to decorating, you must be careful with the pieces you choose, and that means picking out only the plants safe for cats and dogs.

Plants are great for adding a sense of brightness to a room, and they obviously work great as outdoor décor. You cannot afford to pick whatever you want, though, as your pet could end up poisoned. If your pet eats a poisonous plant, the consequences could be dire.

Make your home more beautiful while also keeping it safe for cats and dogs by choosing only the right plants. Included below are some great options for you to consider.

1. African Violet

Known for their eye-catching color, African violets enable you to add plenty of visual intrigue to your home’s décor. They are specifically meant for indoors, receiving only indirect light from the sun. A moderate amount of fertilizer will also suffice for these plants.

2. Aluminum Plant

Silver streaks characterize the appearance of the aluminum plant. This plant features a unique blending of colors that should be complementary to your home’s design. Also note that the aluminum plant is remarkably easy to care for, which is why it’s a staple in many homes.

3. American Rubber Plant

The almost circular shape of the American rubber plant’s leaves is what you’ll likely notice right away. It’s an unusual shape, and you won’t see it many other houseplants. If you take care of an American rubber plant, it will bloom small white flowers in the spring.

4. Areca Palm

Looking to add a more tropical feel to your home interior? The areca palm may be exactly what you’re looking for. These palm plants start quite small, but as long as you diligently care for it, this plant will grow and become a captivating presence.

5. Baby’s Breath Plant

The baby’s breath plant has tiny, white blossoms that are delicate and beautiful.  Interestingly enough, though, the flowers of a baby’s breath can emerge in other colors such as pink and rose.

6. Bachelor’s Button

The bright blue color of the bachelor’s button is a sight to behold, and it should provide plenty of interesting contrast when planted in your garden. It’s also worth pointing out that these flowers are edible, and they can serve as spectacular garnishes for your dishes.

7. Bamboo

You’ll be hard-pressed to find other household plants that are more versatile than bamboo. Opting to have your yard landscaped with a good amount of space allotted for bamboo plants to grow is a wise move. Once they’ve matured, bamboo plants can also serve as great natural resources.

8. Bamboo Palm

Don’t have the space available to grow bamboo plants but still want to feature their distinctive look in your home? The bamboo palm can be a suitable alternative. It kind of looks like a miniature bamboo plant, but that’s not a bad thing at all.

9. Barnaby’s Thistle

Despite its intimidating appearance, Barnaby’s thistle is safe to have around your cats and dogs. The bright, yellow flower surrounded by the sharp thorns is quite striking looking. While you do not often grow this plant in homes, you may encounter it during your outdoor travels with your pets.

10. Basil

Lovers of Italian food know all about the wonders of basil. They often use it as an ingredient in pasta dishes, in pesto, and even as a topping on the famous Margherita pizza. Grow your own batch at home so that you can enjoy Italian delights on demand.

11. Begonia

Begonias are among the flowers most often found in gardens and with good reason. They are beautiful, easy to care for and grow well with every other type of flower. Plant bunches of begonias in your yards to create splashes of color.

12. Bird’s Nest Fern

You’ve likely seen a bird’s nest fern even if you don’t necessarily recognize it by name. Those wide leaves are easily recognizable, and you can see them in many homes across the world. Care for this fern well, and those leaves can grow to spectacular proportions.

13. Blooming Sally

Gaze upon a field full of plants known as the Blooming Sally, and you’ll be thinking of peaceful country sides and relaxed afternoons. They flutter freely through the air and dazzle with their vibrant, purple flowers.

14. Boston Fern

When trying to add a sense of height to your garden or any room dedicated to housing plants, the Boston fern could be exactly what you’re looking for. Place them in a pot, hang them somewhere, and allow those drooping leaves to shine in the sunlight. Boston ferns do require more humidity, so consider that before placing them in your home.

15. Bromeliad

There’s nothing understated about the appearance of the bromeliad. Their bright colors and sword-shaped leaves are sure to garner plenty of attention. Bromeliads are also easy to watch over, making them fine additions to any household.

16. Calathea

If you didn’t know any better, the calathea may look like another fake houseplant because those waxy leaves are such a dead giveaway. Take a closer look, though, and you’ll see that they are living things. Calatheas are also available in different colors, so you can use them to decorate your home in a variety of ways.

17. Camelia

Camelias belong in bouquets. They often come in shades of pink and red, making them ideal gifts for Valentine’s Day. Feel free to keep these in your home as they don’t pose any threat to your pets.

18. Canna Lily

Filling out your garden with low-maintenance plants can make your life easier. With that in mind, consider planting some canna lilies as they bring needed color without the added hassle.

19. Canterbury Bell

It’s easy to spot a Canterbury bell because its name hints at its appearance. This bell-shaped flower often stands out among its contemporaries. Canterbury bells come in shades of violet-blue most of the time, although some variants appear white.

20. Cast Iron Plant

The cast iron plant is not going to blow you away with its appearance, but it can still be a good addition to your home because of how resilient they are. It demands little in the way of upkeep, and it can survive in environments that many other houseplants may consider hostile.

21. Cilantro

Searching to quickly add zest to your dish, you would do well to reach for the cilantro. This ubiquitous herb is featured throughout many cuisines, although some folks do not appreciate it as they perceive it to have a soapy flavor.

22. Dill

Maybe you’re not a fan of cilantro because you are among the few who perceive it to have the taste of soap. In that case, dill may be more deserving of a spot in your garden or kitchen. Dill pairs well with fish and you can use it to make more flavorful condiments.

23. Feather Palm

Homeowners looking for more plants that can bring a tropical feel into their homes will want to consider growing some feather palms. You can use these verdant plants as both interior and exterior decorations.

24. Fingernail Plant

Upon hearing its name, you will develop a good idea of what a fingernail plant looks like. They have short, stubby leaves, and their tips are different colors. Some fingernail plants have pink tips.

25. Flame of the Woods

Yet another plant suggestion for homeowners wanting to recreate a tropical paradise at home is the flame of the woods. These plants need to be outside, so they are exposed regularly to the rays of the sun.

26. Friendship Plant

Friendship plants look as though they are straight out of a sci-fi movie. The quilted leaves are already quite unusual, but the real attention-grabbers are the bronze veins that run through the plants.

27. Garden Marigold

Garden marigolds are staples all over the yard, and you won’t regret planting them yourself. You can opt for the more traditional golden varieties or check out the more atypical brass and copper colors.

28. Ghost Plant

The term ghost plant is the heart of this living thing’s almost pale appearance, but it’s not transparent or anything like that. Perhaps that’s why it’s also referred to as a mother-of-pearl plant as that does a better job of capturing the unusual color of the flower.

29. Gloxinia

If crimson is the color of love and passion, then the Gloxinia is the flower that best represents those emotions. The wine-red color of this plant is the reason it is such a popular pick to be included in bouquets.

30. Hibiscus

Hibiscus plants are commonly found in most gardens across the world because they can thrive in different climates and locales. Add to that the fact that hibiscus plants come in many colors, and you can dress up your garden in different ways with their help.

31. Holly Fern

On its own, the holly fern probably won’t do much to elevate the appearance of your garden. To get the most out of your holly ferns, you need to use them as a backdrop for your other more colorful plants.

32. Jasmine

Jasmine flowers are best known for their pleasant fragrance. It’s a fragrance that is so prized that they use them in cosmetics, perfumes, and even soap. You can make going through your garden a more pleasant experience by planting Jasmine.

33. Jewel Orchid

The jewel orchid is a fascinating example of how contrasting colors can complement each other. The dark green leaves will grab your attention first, but they give way to the beautiful white blossoms that spring forth as these plants mature.

34. Money Tree

While it’s not guaranteed to bring you great fortune in the months and years ahead, a money tree can be a long-lasting fixture in your home. Even if you tend to forget caring for plants, your money tree will continue to grow.

35. Old Man Cactus

Do you want to nourish a truly unusual plant at home? If so, then consider looking after an old man cactus. The highly unusual appearance of this cactus is its biggest charm, and you’ll likely fall in love with it because of that.

36. Paddy’s Wig

Paddy’s wig is up there with the most unusual plant names. That odd name does little to take away from this plant’s natural beauty, however. It works especially well if you want to add bright color to an office desk or a small room inside your home.

37. Paradise Palm

Many palm plants have wide leaves and can get in the way if you place them inside the house. If you still want a palm nearby but would like it to be less obstructive, a paradise palm is probably best suited for you.

38. Pearl Plant

Pearl plants look more like green raindrops when arranged a certain way. Use them to add a cascading effect to your garden or the spots around your windows.

39. Petunia

One may think that the delicate-looking petunias need the utmost care to ensure that they grow and blossom, but that’s not necessarily the case. While it’s never advisable to neglect your plants, it’s comforting to know that petunias can survive occasional lapses in upkeep.

40. Pincushion Flower

There’s no need to be wary of the pins protruding from the pincushion flowers. They cannot hurt you. They will also not harm cats and dogs that approach to take a bite since they are non-toxic.

41. Red Palm Lily

Filling your home and garden with greenery is a fantastic idea, but the same monotonous color scheme may not work for everyone. Those looking to create some contrast can use red palm lilies to decorate their homes.

42. Rose

Roses make their way into many homes all over the world whenever Valentine’s Day rolls around, but is it safe to keep them inside a home with pets? The answer to that question is yes, but you still need to make sure that your pets aren’t stung by those sharp thorns.

43. Rosemary

You can improve meat dishes by the addition of rosemary leaves. If you’re steering clear of meat for the day, you can still pick some rosemary leaves and use them in tea.

44. Sage

Similar to rosemary, sage is another herb you can use to flavor meat, but you can also use it in soups and stews. Add brown butter with sage, and you have a great sauce.

45. Savory

Still looking for herbs to grow at home? Savory is worth a try.  Thanks to savory’s strong flavor, it can hold up well in meat dishes and in sausage mixtures.

46. Spider Plant

If you’re wondering why it’s called a spider plant, look at the tips of the leaves, and you’ll find your answer. The spiderettes growing there may give you a scare if they weren’t green.

47. Sunflower

Sunflowers in bloom are spectacular. It’s hard to look at one without marveling at its immaculate appearance. Thankfully, you can grow sunflowers at home without worrying about them poisoning your pets.

48. Thyme

The last of the herbs to be featured in this article is none other than thyme. Versatility is the strong suit of this subtle-tasting herb, and you can use it to flavor anything your heart desires.

49. Venus Flytrap

It’s easy to assume that the Venus flytrap is a dangerous plant, but it is not threatening to most things. Mostly, insects are the only ones in danger if they approach Venus flytraps. You can keep these plants in a home that also hosts pets if you want to.

50. Water Hyacinth

Rounding out this list of plants safe for cats and dogs is the water hyacinth. Since water lilies can be toxic to dogs, the water hyacinth is a good alternative if you want to beautify a pond in your garden.

Homeowners looking to decorate their homes with plants safe for cats and dogs have plenty of options to choose from. If you would like to have those plants present in and around your home, feel free to contact Eco Minded Solutions for assistance.
